Isavasya Upanishad for Beginners : 1.6 Swami Krishnananda



"Om isavasyam idagm sarvam yat-kinca jagatyam jagat,
tena tyaktena bhunjitha ma gradhah kasya svid dhanam."

Through tyaga, tena tyaktena, by giving up the objects of the world, be happy with what has been earned by the sweat of your brow.

Do your duty as an offering to God. Let your mind dwell upon God and God alone. Let your thoughts run ever and always towards God.

Realising isvara you can obtain ananda, also the whole world, the universe itself. Why then run meaninglessly after petty objects saying “Oh! here is joy, there is joy, this object can bring me happiness, that other can”, and so on and so forth?

Isvara is parama satta, the parama purushartha, the paramadhana, transcendental wealth. When you run towards Him and possess Him, all this is yours. Thus should God be understood. Thus should God be contemplated upon. Thus should the mind dwell on isvara—through tyaga thus be happy.

Thus far in the first mantram, three points have been stated :

(1) The metaphysics of the satta; i e. the relationship of God, world and soul,
(2) jiva and the world, and
(3) the duty of jiva towards the world and isvara.

This is why Mahatma Gandhi stated that even if all the sacred texts are lost to the world, this one single mantram can be a substitute for all of there.

All the tatva sastras deal particularly and specifically on these three matters.

(1) isvara’s satta;
(2) jagat’s swarup
(3) jiva’s kartavya.

In other words, this is metaphysics, explaining the characteristics of the relationship of God, world and soul. All these factors have been stated in this very first mantram of this Isavasyopanishad—

firstly, of isvara’s existence,
secondly, the nature of the existence of the world,
and thirdly, man’s duty.

Isvara is all this world, isvara is the primary cause of the world. The world exists on the substratum of isvara.

Because of isvara’s existence the world appears to exist.

Therefore, the world has only a secondary existence. And because isvara is Bliss-Absolute, due to His existence alone the universe enjoys happiness.

Isvara, Consciousness-Absolute penetrates into the world and hence the world also has consciousness.

Thus is determined isvara’s sat or Existence.

Now, what is the nature of the world?

Again, as already stated in the foregoing pages, the whole universe, every atom of it is filled with isvara.

The world has no existence without isvara.

The End.


To be continued ....

Swami Krishnananda 60th Birthday event-Pada puja by disciples


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