Isavasya Upanishad for Beginners : 7. Swami Gurubhaktananda (Chinmaya Mission).


Saturday, May 23, 2020.
ISAVASYA UPANISHAD -  “The All-Pervading Reality”
Wave 2: Mantra-s 4-8 (5 No.), MEDITATIONS on the Self
 Mantram  7: Freedom From Delusion & Sorrow.
Mantram 7: Freedom From Delusion & Sorrow

"Yasmin sarvaani bhootaani, aatmaa eva abhoot vi-jaanatah;
tatra kah mohah kah shokah, ekatvam anu-pashyatah."
Mantram Translation :

1 Yasmin sarvaani bhootaani,        = When all beings and forms
2 aatmaa eva abhoot vi-jaanatah;  =  have become one in his own Self – knowing thus,
3 tatra kah mohah kah shokah,      =  how can he feel delusion and grief thereafter,
4 ekatvam anu-pashyatah.             =    who sees oneness (non-duality) alone everywhere?

Discourse on Mantram-7.

The previous Mantram and this one give the fruit or result of the meditation that has
been taught in verse 1, 4 and 5.

1-2 The experience of oneness with all beings comes as a result of the precious
knowledge of discovering one’s Self. It has been described in the previous verse.

3 Kah Mohah : We have seen that experience frees us from hate. It also frees us from
delusion once and for all. Delusion was responsible for the feeling of separation in the first place; now the reverse occurs as oneness frees us from that delusion.

Kah Shokah : At the same moment, grief and sorrow also end. The delusion had
caused us to live our life incorrectly. The incorrect living caused us to experience much pain and sorrow. With the destruction of delusion, that sorrow also falls away from our life.

####4. Ekatvam : “Oneness”. The following logical results follow this experience :

i) *The person does not see objects as ‘mine’ or ‘his’ or ‘not mine’.
ii) *There is no more love and hate for objects, no more likes and dislikes.
iii) *One transcends all pleasure and pain, having become firmly fixed in Oneness.
iv) *There is no triad of experiencer, experiencing and experienced.
v) *There is no more any duality of subject and object. The waves and ocean are both
seen as water alone. The blazing sparks are not different from the fire producing them.

##Two Examples :

##Guruji was reminded of a simple illustration to show oneness. On a train journey, a
man was sleeping on the upper berth and a lady was knitting on the lower berth.

Unknowingly, she had connected a thread from the jersey of the man sleeping above and was busy knitting away. As her jersey grew in size, the man’s jersey was disappearing!

Nature is like that, too – what gets destroyed in one place gets rebuilt in another.

##The second example is of a little girl in the kitchen making rotis. She made them in all shapes and sizes, each one looking like a map of some country. The mother was not satisfied with the effort. She took the whole lot and lumped it all together to restart the whole process. Creation, too, is a series of such events of building, breaking down and re-building.

Guruji stressed that the present subject, union with the Self, is all about us.

We should never forget that we are talking about our real Being. Then we will not view all these as strange experiences that occur only to others; we can and should experience them for ourselves.
(##"Muslims live in this Holy Nation ( Holiest than Mecca) should realise what is Ekatvam ( Oneness) which this Upanishad says is Sanatana Dharmam of this Holy Land, Christians too should realise that Bharatham when she believes in Ekatvam, Vatican Pope how small not visible by inner eyes.")
Next - Mantram 8: How the Lord Governs
To be continued ....



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