Isavasya Upanishad for Beginners : 1.3 Swami Krishnananda

Isavasya Upanishad for Beginners : 1.3

"Om Isavasyamidam sarvam yatkinca jagatyam jagat,
tena tyaktena bhunjitha ma grdhaḥ kasyasviddhanam."

Post - 3.

'Tena tyaktena bhunjithah' :

There are different interpretations for this phrase from different viewpoints.

For tena, one meaning is “through”; “therefore” is another.

Madhvacarya’s view is—from or through Him. So, Madhvacarya’s interpretation is, giving up that which has been given through Him.

Sankara says: From whom? Him from which all creation has come. And, for this reason, ‘therefore’,

tyaktena, is that which has been sacrificed or that which has been given up through vairagya (and not shedding of unwanted or extra things).

This first mantram is an aphorism and so does not give the meaning in detail but gives it in a pithy form.

From Isvaran; i.e., what He has given, that enjoy and do not desire beyond that which has been given to you.

In the first line, it has been stated that everything is Isvaran.

Then, what can be yours?

What did you bring with you when you came and what do you take with you when you leave the

For, the question is kasyasvid dhanam?—

Whose (is this) wealth?

In this question the self-evident answer is given.

And wealth does not mean only money but includes all desirable possessions, wealth of any kind which gives us joy and pleasure.

Be content with what wealth God has given you.

To want more than that is a kind of greed.

So get yourself free from this greed.

You know what Isvaran has given—He has given you the world.

The Srimad Bhagavad gita also affirms this statement by stating :

"yadrcha labha santushaḥ."

 Whatever has been given to you by Isvaran, whatever you have received from Isvaran, with that be happy and contented.

But again you have only the right of enjoyment, not of ownership.

For, everything is Isvaran’s and it cannot belong to anyone else.

You are therefore only a trustee of God’s wealth. This is the first meaning.

To be continued ..


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