
Showing posts from 2019

Isavasya Upanishad for Beginners : 1.6 Swami Krishnananda

======================================================================== ======================================================================== 23/12/2019. Mantram-1. 6. ======================================================================= Mantram-1. "Om isavasyam idagm sarvam yat-kinca jagatyam jagat, tena tyaktena bhunjitha ma gradhah kasya svid dhanam." ======================================================================= 6.1 Through tyaga, tena tyaktena, by giving up the objects of the world, be happy with what has been earned by the sweat of your brow. Do your duty as an offering to God. Let your mind dwell upon God and God alone. Let your thoughts run ever and always towards God. Realising isvara you can obtain ananda, also the whole world, the universe itself. Why then run meaninglessly after petty objects saying “Oh! here is joy, there is joy, this object can bring me happiness, that other can”, and so on and so forth? Isvara is parama sa

Isavasya Upanishad for Beginners : 1.5 Swami Krishnananda

======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26/11/2019. Mantram-1. 5. ======================================================================== Mantram-1. "Om isavasyam idagm sarvam yat-kinca jagatyam jagat, tena tyaktena bhunjitha ma gradhah kasya svid dhanam." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kasya svid dhanam? For this phrase also there are two meanings: One from the relative and the other from the absolute point of view. What has been given to you, of that you are the owner. What you have earned with the sweat of your brow, that you enjoy. But what is earned by other people’s sweat of the brow, do not even look at that. Do not let your mind go towards that. It is unlawful to do so. It is against moral and ethical laws.

Isavasya Upanishad for Beginners : 1.4 Swami Krishnananda

======================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21/10/2019. Mantram-1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ "Om Isavasyamidam sarvam yatkinca jagatyam jagat, tena tyaktena bhunjitha ma grdhaḥ kasyasviddhanam." The second meaning is this : 'tena tyaktena bhunjithah'. For the reason that isvara is everything, enjoy what is God-given through sacrificing everything. What does this mean? This statement is a great siddhanta and is worth pondering over. As much as you give up the desires of the world, gross or subtle, so much is your happiness; the greater your sacrifice the greater increase in the ananda or Bliss that you attain. This has a secret within it. It is a very subtle statement. The converse of the above statement a

Isavasya Upanishad for Beginners : 1.3 Swami Krishnananda

======================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04/102019 Isavasya Upanishad for Beginners : 1.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mantram-1 "Om Isavasyamidam sarvam yatkinca jagatyam jagat, tena tyaktena bhunjitha ma grdhaḥ kasyasviddhanam." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Post - 3. 'Tena tyaktena bhunjithah' : There are different interpretations for this phrase from different viewpoints. For tena, one meaning is “through”; “therefore” is another. Madhvacarya’s view is—from or through Him. So, Madhvacarya’s interpretation is, giving up that which has been given through Him. Sankara says: From whom? Him from which all crea

Isavasya Upanishad for Beginners : 1.2 Swami Krishnananda

 =======================================================================  ======================================================================== 28/08/2019 Isavasya Upanishad for Beginners : 1.2 Mantram-1 Post - 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another view is, that Isvara pervades the world like salt in water. The salt is not visible as salt in salt-water; yet they both are different and separate factors. However, if Isvara is but in the world, then He is limited by time and space. But, His nature is unbroken Existence-Consciousness-Bliss­-Absolute, whereas the world is impermanent, transient and perishable. Isvara is creation, Isvara is the cause of creation—these are the two different viewpoints which different Upanishads explain. He is like salt in water, is the view of Visishtavaita philosophy. Isvara is not separate from the universe—this is Advaita philosophy.  When

Isavasya Upanishad for Beginners : 1.1 Swami Krishnananda

07/07/2019 Isavasya Upanishad for Beginners : 1.1 Mantram-1 Post - 1. om īśāvāsyam idaṁ sarvam yat kiṁ ca jagatyāṁ jagat, tena tyaktena bhuñjitha, ma gṛdhaḥ kasyasvid dhanam (1) The Upaniṣad begins with the word īśāvāsyam, and so goes by the name of Īśāvāsyopaniṣad. There are other such examples of this tradition. Kenopaniṣad, for instance, is so named because the very first word of it is kena. Iśāvāsyam : Īśvara is 1st person singular. So, īśāvāsyam means īśvara resides. Sankaracarya says that the root is it (eit) meaning īṭ; and īṭ means God. So īśāvāsyam can also mean through īṭ. Or, the compound word is split thus: īśā + āvāsyam – āvāsyam means, that alone which is fit to bear or cover, that is (it is), īśvara’s temple, the fit place for Him. Another mean­ing is that which is fit to be enveloped by īśvara. Many meanings can be given according to whether it is īśā + vāsyam or īśā + āvāsyam—vāsyam fit for īśvara to stay; āvāsyam—that which envelopes the world. Again, ī


01/04/2019 Blog-18. Mantram - 17. Let the breath go to the immortal prana. Let the body be reduced to ashes. O mind, remember your deeds. This is a prayer for the dissolution of the individual principle of breathing, i. e., the individual prana, in the cosmic immortal prana or Hiranyagarbha. The body is burnt and goes to the earth. The meaning is that the effects shall go to the causes. The subtle body purified by karma and upasana rises to the Sun in order to pass through it. The word kratu means sacrifice or the divinity of the sacrifice or upasana or the divinity of upasana or the mind that performs the upasaria. Kratu is a sacrifice, and upasana also is a sacrifice, because it is an act. The actions done by a person are witnessed by the divinity presiding over the sacrifice. The prayer is to this divinity so that He may remember what fate is to befall this person after death in accordance with his actions. Here Agni is prayed to as the chief priest of the sacrifice and the


02/02/2019 Blog-17. Mantra 15 The face of Truth is covered by a golden vessel. O Sun! Remove that for me whose law is to behold the Truth. The results achieved by human means and heavenly means end in the state of prakriti-laya. This is the end and the highest achievement in samsara. moksha is, however, different from and beyond this. It requires the total destruction of desires. Those who cannot attain moksha immediately attain it gradually through the passage of the Sun. This mantra and the next mantra are a prayer to the Sun for allowing one passage across to the Divine Being. Truth is veiled over by a vessel of gold. The essential consciousness within the Sun is hidden by the external disc which dazzles the eyes of the beholder. That which we see in the Sun is not what is within the Sun. That which is outside covers what is inside. Brahman within the Sun is covered over by the golden disc that alone is seen. It also means that the whole universe of creation with all its na


30/01/2019 Mantras 12 to 14. 16. The worship of the Unmanifest gives one knowledge of everything of the universe. One understands the nature of the essential constituents of life. The pain of death is the result of not having this understanding. Pain is the result of the belief in the reality of a centralisation of certain aspects of prakriti by the consciousness of desire. The pain of death is not felt when there is the knowledge that death is a change of the constituents of personality which get reduced to their fundamental units. Even as water flows in a river, life flows in existence. Every moment there is fresh life, even as every moment there is fresh water in a river. Not being able to bear this flaw or change is called pain, but the knowledge of all the essential constituents of this flow negates all pain, because knowledge is the opposite of attachment to particular forms taken by these constituents. Knowledge of the essence of prakriti, therefore, gives a full k


08/01/2019 Mantras 12 to 14. Into dense darkness they enter, who worship the Unmanifest; into greater darkness, as it were, they enter, who worship the Manifest. The results of these two Upasanas are different from each other. When the knowledge of the Manifest and of the Unmanifest are combined, one crosses over death through the Unmanifest and becomes immortal through the Manifest. The Unmanifest is the original condition of equilibrium of gunas, viz., sattva, rajas and tamas. This condition is the primordial matter that is the substance of the universe in its causal condition. This is the same as maya or prakriti. It is also called avyakrita or the undifferentiated. One who worships or adores this Unmanifest gets dissolved in the Unmanifest and becomes unified with that dark equilibrium where there is no consciousness and hence no effort is possible. When this Unmanifest manifests itself, those who are dissolved in the Unmanifest are reborn as individuals. This Unmanifest