
Sunday, January 31, 2021. 03:52. PM.
18 Mantra-s on
“The All-Pervading Reality”




There will always be people who will strive for the Truth. They are not interested in worldly enjoyments. Perhaps they have seen the hollowness in them. The numerous commentaries are useful for all seekers of Truth. The greatness of the scriptures is seen in the type of person it produces, not how much money it enables one to earn. A saint has said: “Even if all the Upanishads are destroyed, if just the first verse of Ishavasya Upanishad is saved, we can have the whole Vedas written again.”


Overall Theme of this Upanishad :

“To see the all-pervading Truth in and through the disturbing trellis of the phenomenal world, is to realize the Truth in the outer world of Plurality. How this is harmoniously done is the very theme ofthe entire Ishavasya Upanishad.” – Swami Chinmayanandaji.



Shanti Mantra

Om Poornamadah Poornamidam Poornaat Poornam-Udachyate;
Poornasya Poorna-maadaaya Poorna-mevaa-vasishyate.
Om Shaantih! Shaantih! Shaantih!!



“That is Whole, this is Whole; from the Whole, the Whole becomes manifest; from the Whole, when the Whole is negated, the Whole alone is what remains.”



#Lord Shiva represents the Supreme All-pervading Reality*

NEXT - ISHAVASYA UPANISHAD, Wave 1: Sloka 1-3 (3 No.), THE THREE PATHS, 1.1 THE ULTIMATE PATH, Slokam - 1: The Path of Renunciation

To be continued ...



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