Isa vasya Upanishad for Beginners : Post - 16. Swami Gurubhaktananda (Chinmaya Mission).

Tuesday, September 01,  2020. 10:22.. AM.
Wave 4: Mantra-s 15-17 (3 No.)
Mantram-16 :  The Face of Truth

Mantram : 16.

Mantram 16: The Vision of Truth,

"1. Pooshan ekarshe yamas oorya praajaapatya, 2. vyooha rashmeen samooha tejah;
3 yat te roopam kalyaanatamam tat te pashyaami , 4 yah asau asau purushah sah aham asmi."

Translation :

1 Pooshan ekarshe yama soorya praajaapatya        =  O Sun the Nourisher, O sole Seer, O controller of all, O Soorya, the son of Prajapati!
2 vyooha rashmeen samooha tejah;                       =  Disperse thy rays and gather up thy fiery Light…
3 yat te roopam kalyaanatamam tat te pashyaami   =   O That! What an auspicious Form is Thine – O That most glorious Form do I behold!
4 yah asau asau purushah sah aham asmi.              =  That is This…It is This Supreme Self within me, He, indeed, am I!

Discourse :

1 So, following up on his request in the previous verse, the devotee returns the next
day and continues to glorify the Sun with some more beautiful praises. He is Pooshan, the
Nourisher of all beings. He is Ekarsha, the sole Seer who provides the light by which all
others may see. Seer could also mean a Rishi, as the Sun resembles a great Being stalking
the sky from east to west, keeping a watch on everything that is going on. Thus He is also
called Yama, the controller of all. All activity on earth begins when He rises, and stops when
He sets.

2 The same request, as made on the previous day, is repeated again today, and every
day until it is answered.

3 Soon Pooshan has checked out the seeker’s records. He brings good tidings – the
devotee is found to be eligible, indeed! The moment has come for the ‘golden disc’ to be
uncovered. The blessed vision materializes….

The devotee takes in his first glimpse and exclaims, “O It’s You! What an auspicious
Form You have!”

He recognizes what he sees, and finds that it is he himself that is there! What a
wonder! Sah Aham Asmi – “He, indeed, am I!” he rejoices, echoing the sacred Mahavakyas
of the Upanishads. The Truth has dawned upon him. The ecstatic moment of realisation has
come at last! Pooshan has graciously obliged him by lifting his veil.

Yat…Tat, “That” refers to the Supreme Being, Brahman, pervading all creation;
whereas Asau, Asau, “This, This” refers to the very same Being dwelling in the seeker’s
heart, the Lord as the indwelling Presence. He sees no difference between them.

The sun, too bright to be seen during the day, is seen in all its glory at sunrise and
sunset. Hence, these two periods are especially auspicious for meditation upon the Divine.
Every seeker of Truth uses these periods of Sandhya for deep spiritual contemplation.
Having seen the vision of Truth, the “death” of the ego-consciousness has occurred.
This is the only death that is significant in Vedanta. Immortality follows this death. This is
explained more in the next Sloam…

To be continued ....



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