Isavasya Upanishad for Beginners : 2.1.3. Swami Krishnananda



*You are dragged towards karma, why?

#Because you are a part of the universe. Every cell in your body works in accor­dance with a certain set law.

*What is the necessity for the cells to work according to this set law?

##The reason is that the cells are a part of the body. The system of the body is such that it takes work from every cell of it. So they work unceasingly night and day, inseparable from existence and continuously, inescapably, set into action. Isvara is virat svarup. Even as every cell in the human body works continuously and unceasingly without in anyway interfering with the working of other cells in the same body, the body of isvara the virat svarup works as the universe. Man thus is like a single cell in the body of isvara, the virat.

###And therefore, man’s duty should be done in the same way as the single cell works without interfering with the work of other parts of the body.

 ####“You will be forced to work” declares Lord Krishna “for everyone is made to act help­lessly indeed by the qualities born of prakruti”.

*That is, virat will pull you by the ear and put you to work, stand over you and see that you work. But, how is this work to be done?

#####As duty, without expectation of fruits and as worship to God, as has been stated in the very first sloka of this Upanishad.

#Inasmuch as the determination to live and duty are inseparable, man should live a long, healthy life. The sandhya-vandanam mantras also pray similarly : 

##“May I see for a hundred years; may I hear for a hundred years; may the fire (agni) be with me a hundred years” and so on. 

###Longest life in all health is its prayer. And he who thus wishes to live a hundred years, should do his duty and do it as karma yoga. 

####Consider yourself as just one of the millions in the creation of isvara and do karma founded on this selfless idea. In this way, save yourself.

#These two sloka may be said to be the moola mantras for the whole of this Upanishad, in the same way as the first chapter of Ramayana is called the mula Ramayanam, or the soul of Ramayanam, because all the rest that follows is only an exposition upon the first chapter. 

##Even so all that is taught in the succeeding mantras of this Upanishad are contained in the first two slokas we have just studied.

Mantram-2 Discourse Ends.
To be continued ....


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