Isavasya Upanishad for Beginners : 2.1.1. Swami Krishnananda


1.Introduction : 1.

Next, Mantram - No. 2 explains what our duty is.

#What is our duty?

##It is to act for Isvara as His agent and not to act for your own self as an individual, a personality.

###If we should dwell on, meditate upon, and run towards Him and towards Him alone, we must do our duty also as an offering to Him; this has already been concluded earlier.

#####We must understand that the world is but Isvara’s pratibimba, a reflection of Him.

*Thus we should have the feeling, ‘I am nothing, I have no standing, I am entirely dependent on Him alone’. #

**With this feeling we should do our duty.##

All these elaborations are given in the form of at apho­rism; in this mantram the very first in the Isavasyopanishad.

By reading between the lines, we get all this fund of meaning.

Isvara fills the universe, it states.

#This means, what?

##It means that as the bimba (the original) is, so is the “pratibimba” (the reflection) bimba and pratibimba—to say this, is to say that what is purnam is seen in the reflection also as “purnam”.

### Isvara, is sat-cit-ananda.

####And since Isvara fills this world, it follows that everywhere there is sat, everywhere in this world there is cit, and

#In short, Isvara is everything.

##Existing everywhere, He is the ultimate Cause for all; He is also all this effect in the form of the universe, in every atom of the universe, sentient or insen­tient.

Understanding this, with the help of this knowledge through tyaga, (sacrifice of the individual personality) be happy, enjoy ānanda without letting greed for others’ wealth enter your mind.

With the conviction that Isvara, the parama satta, the parama purusha alone is your wealth, you can enjoy the whole universe.

With no thought other than of Him, as His agent, you must perform your duties.

As much as you are self-less, so much this ananda pervades you.

###In this one mantram is condensed all the purport of all the texts on dharma.
To be continued .....



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