The Isavasya Upanisad is the last chapter of the Sukla-Yajur-veda Samhita, and since it is found as an integral part of a definite and known Samhita, this Upanisad is sometimes called the Samhitopanisad. The Upanisad declarations, when they are in metrical form, are called mantrs, and versified Upanisads are called Mantropanisads. Isavasya is one of the most prominant and beautiful, even unparalleled Mantropanisads known to us today.

Very rarely have we even an internal evidence to ascribe definitely many of the Upanisads to a recognisable Guru personage. And, never have the great  Rishies dared to sign their Upanisad-declarations as their own. Thus, the Upanisads are not generally named after any known Master.

No Upanisad study ever starts in the old Rishies tradition without both the Master and the disciples chanting together an invocation mantra. This prayer-chanting concludes always by a 'prayer-of-peace'. The prayer of Rishies in the Halls of Wisdom were thus a preparation both, for the Master and the students in bringing out of themselves a vigour of mind and intellect which is fully competent to grapple with all the problems of life. They reached an inner freshness and vitality by remembering the unlimited and eternal state of perfection. This particular peace-invocation is a famous one oft-repeated at the end of all ritualistic ceremonies in Bharatham when the priest happens to know what he is doing.  ( to be cont------     ed).


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