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Commentary on the Isavasya Upanishad : 5. Swami Krishnananda.

 ==================================================================== =============================================================== Saturday, December 31, 2021. 7:00. PM. Commentary on the Isavasya Upanishad : Part-1. Discourse-5. ================================================================ The joy of living is not a sensory happiness. Suppose we are sick for some days and suddenly we regain health; don't we feel a satisfaction? The regaining of health is felt as a kind of jubilation, “Oh, I am happy today. My disease has gone.” A new life has entered into us when we are healthy. That new life is joy. That joy has not come from contact with sense objects. The joy of healthy existence is not a sensory joy. It is super-sensory in the sense that it arises from the totality that we are, the organism that we are, and not the contact that we have. Mostly we think that we can be happy only if we come in contact with things. Where is the contact in being alive? Minus all contacts, a

Commentary on the Isavasya Upanishad : 4. Swami Krishnananda

 =================================================================== =================================================================== Tuesday, December 21, 2021. 7:00. PM. Commentary on the Isavasya Upanishad : Part-1. Discourse-4. =================================================================== Unnecessary things cannot exist in this world. Their importance can be recognised and visualised only when we have the insight to probe into the circumstances of their existence, and the part that they play in a larger society of life – wider than the human, and even the organic as it is conceived – in a cosmical setup. The wind that blows, the rays of the sun that impinge upon the earth, the cool balming radiance of the moon in full-moon night, the scintillating movement of water in a flowing river, the waves of the sea, are not inconsequent occurrences. They are tremendously responsible performances taking place, as is the case with the performances in our own body. This system, which i

Commentary on the Isavasya Upanishad : 3. Swami Krishnananda

 ======================================================================= ====================================================================== Saturday, December 11, 2021. 9:00. PM. Commentary on the Isavasya Upanishad : Part-1. Discourse-3. ===================================================================== In this analogy, human society becomes an organism of a larger type, wider than the physical body which requires to be maintained by this cooperative participation of individuals for their own equanimous welfare. The participation is not complete merely with a social participation. It is not true, finally, that we live only because other people help us and our friends are charitable to us. It may be that in a social organisation, in a setup of human society, there is a mutual give-and-take policy of people, and they appear to be contributing to mutual survival and existence in a satisfactory manner. But this is only a surface view of things. Irrespective of the fact that social

Commentary on the Isavasya Upanishad : 2. Swami Krishnananda

 ======================================================================================================== ========================================================================= Wednesday, December 01, 2021. 8:00. PM. Commentary on the Isavasya Upanishad : Part-1. Discourse -2. 1================================================================================ The meaning of life, in this light, appears to be a participation that is called upon everyone in relation to that organisation to which each one belongs. Extending the analogy of the physical body to larger organisations, we will feel that we live only when we participate in a larger-than-ourselves. When we do not participate in a system to which we necessarily belong, we do not really live. We just hang on. There is a difference between hanging on and actually living. A paralysed part of the body may hang on, but it is not living. It is not a part of the body. It exists. We can see it hanging lifelessly, as it were, to no purpo

Commentary on the Isavasya Upanishad : 1. Swami Krishnananda

 ==================================================================== Swami Swaroopananda November 22 at 9:06 PM  ·  Chinmaya Tapovan Ashram is located in the idyllic valley of Sidhbari, where this great institution was founded by Pujya Gurudev, to impart in-depth learning of the Gita and the Vedantic scriptures. Seekers can find themselves within the heart of nature, surrounded by majestic Himalayan peaks, imbibing knowledge at the various camps and discourses conducted at the Sandeepan HIM. The entire campus has a positive, vibrating energy drawn from Gurudev’s samadhi alongside the Shri Rama and Shri Hanumana temples. ================================================================= Thursday, November 25, 2021. 8:00. PM. Commentary on the Isavasya Upanishad : Part-1.  Discourse-1. ================================================================: Swami Swaroopananda November 22 at 9:06 PM  ·  Chinmaya Tapovan Ashram is located in the idyllic valley of Sidhbari, where this great insti

ISAVASYA UPANISHAD - Wave 5: Mantram - 18 (1 No.) “The ASPIRATION of Devotees : Mantram-18.- "A Prayer World Peace" - Swami Gurubhaktananda ( Chinmaya Mission ).

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, July 21,  2021. 8 : 52.  AM. ISAVASYA UPANISHAD 18 Mantra-s on “The All-Pervading Reality” Wave 5: Mantram 18 (1 No.) : “The ASPIRATION of Devotees ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantram - 18: A Prayer World Peace "Agne naya supatha raaye asman viswani deva vayunani vidwan;  yuyodhi asmat juhuranam enah  bhoyishtham te nama-uktim vidhema." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : 1 Agne naya supatha raye asman            =  O Agni, lead us to “Wealth” by good means. 2 viswani deva vayunani vidwan;            =  O Lord of the world, you know all the good ways. 3 yuyodhi asmat juhuraanam enah           =  Remove from us our leaning towards crooked ways. 4 bhoyishtham te nama-uktim vidhema.   =  We offer to Thee this our best prayer. --------

ISAVASYA UPANISHAD - Wave 4: Mantra - 15-17 (3 No.) “The VISION of TRUTH” : Mantram-17.- Swami Gurubhaktananda ( Chinmaya Mission ).

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, July 13,  2021. 8 : 43.  PM. ISAVASYA UPANISHAD 18 Mantra-s on “The All-Pervading Reality” Wave 4: Mantra - 15-17 (3 No.) “The VISION of TRUTH” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantram - 17 - The Approach of Death : "Vayuh anilam amritam atha idam, bhasmaantam shareram; om, krato smara kritam smara, krato smara kritam smara."  || 17|| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : 1 Vayuh anilam amritam atha idam  =  Let my Pranas merge into all-pervading air. 2 bhasmantam shareeram;                 =  Let this body be burnt to ashes. 3 om, krato smara kritam smara,       =  Om, O my mind, remember what you did! 4 krato smara kritam smara.              =  O my mind, remember what you did! -------------------------------------------------------------

ISAVASYA UPANISHAD - Wave 4: Mantra - 15-17 (3 No.) “The VISION of TRUTH” : Mantram-16.- Swami Gurubhaktananda ( Chinmaya Mission ).

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, July 04,  2021. 8 : 50.  AM. ISAVASYA UPANISHAD 18 Mantra-s on “The All-Pervading Reality” Wave 4: Mantra - 15-17 (3 No.) “The VISION of TRUTH” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mantram - 16: The Vision of Truth. "Pooshan ekarshe yama soorya praajaapatya vyooha rashmeen samooha tejah;  yat te roopam kalyaanatamam tat te pashyaam yah asau asau purushah sah aham asmi." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation :   1 Pooshan ekarshe yama soorya praajaapatya    =  O Sun the Nourisher, O sole Seer, O controller of all, O Soorya, the son of Prajapati! 2 vyooha rash

ISAVASYA UPANISHAD - Wave 4: Mantra - 15-17 (3 No.) “The VISION of TRUTH” : Mantram - 15. -Swami Gurubhaktananda ( Chinmaya Mission ).

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday, June 26,  2021. 9 : 24 AM. ISAVASYA UPANISHAD 18 Mantra-s on “The All-Pervading Reality” Wave 4: Mantra - 15-17 (3 No.) “The VISION of TRUTH” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantram - 15: The Face of Truth "Hiranmayena patrena,  satyasyapihitam mukham tat twam pushan apavrinu, satya dharmaya drishtaye." || 15|| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : 1 Hiranmayena patrena,          = By a golden vessel or lid 2 satyasyapihitam mukham;   = is the face of Truth covered; 3 tat tvam pushan apavrinu,    = O Sun, remove the covering (or open the lid) 4 satya dharmaya drishtaye.   = so that I may behold the Truth I am striving for. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ISAVASYA UPANISHAD - Wave 3: Mantras 9-14 (6 No.). Swami Gurubhaktananda ( Chinmaya Mission ).

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, June 15,  2021.10 : 21 AM. ISAVASYA UPANISHAD 18 Mantra-s on “The All-Pervading Reality” Wave 3: Verses 9-14 (6 No.) The Integration of KNOWLEDGE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B. SAMBHUTI & ASAMBHUTI Mantram - 12 : Worship of Unmanifest & Manifest, Mantram - 13 : The Fruits of Unmanifest & Manifest, Mantram - 14 : Combining Unmanifest & Manifest. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantram - 12 : Worship of Unmanifest & Manifest, "Andham tamah pravishanti, ye asambhootim-upaasate; tato bhooya iva te tamo ya u sambhootyaagm ratah." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : 1 Andham tamah pravishanti   =  They enter into blinding darkness who 2 ye asambhootim-upaasate;   =

ISAVA SYA UPANISHAD - Wave 3: Mantras 9-14 (6 No.). Swami Gurubhaktananda ( Chinmaya Mission ).

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday, June 4,  2021. 7 : 56. AM. ISAVASYA UPANISHAD 18 Mantra-s on “The All-Pervading Reality” Wave 3: Verses 9-14 (6 No.) The Integration of KNOWLEDGE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. AVIDYA AND VIDYA Mantram - 9: Worship of Avidya & Vidya Mantram - 10 : Worship of Avidya & Vidya. Mantram - 11: The Fruits of Avidya & Vidya. & Translation : Ref-Last Blog dt : Monday, May 24,  2021. 7 : 51. PM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary : In this second set of three verses, in 9 the fruits Avidya and Vidya, when worshipped alone, are given; in 10 their fruits are compared to each other (again, note that they not opposed to each other), and in 11 is given the fruit of combining both of them. The problem before us is to find the right interpreta