
Showing posts from June, 2020

Isavasya Upanishad for Beginners : 11. Swami Gurubhaktananda (Chinmaya Mission).

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, June 30, 2020. 7:10. PM. ISAVASYA UPANISHAD -  “The All-Pervading Reality” Wave-3 : The Integration of  KNOWLEDGE : Mantram -9 to 14. ( 6 in NOs ).  A. AVIDYA AND VIDYA : Mantram 9: Worship of Avidya & Vidya ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mantram - 9: Worship of Avidya & Vidya "Andham tamah pravishanti   ye avidyaam upaasate;   tatah bhooyah iva te tamah  ye u vidyayaam ratah." -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation :  1 Andham tamah pravishanti  = They enter into blinding darkness 2 ye avidyaam upasate;          =  who are worshippers of Avidya alone; 3 tatah bhuyah iva te tamah   =  but they enter even greater darkness 4 ye u vidyayam ratah.          =  who verily are worshippers of Vidya alone. ------------------------------------------

Isavasya Upanishad for Beginners : 10. Swami Gurubhaktananda (Chinmaya Mission).

Monday, June 22, 2020. 7:51.AM. ISAVASYA UPANISHAD -  “The All-Pervading Reality” Wave-3 : The Integration of  KNOWLEDGE : Mantram -9 to 14. ( 6 in NOs ). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last blog Friday, June 12, 2020. we discussed :  A. AVIDYA & VIDYA: The Microcosmic Perspective -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today we study and discuss the following : B. SAMBHOOTI & ASAMABHOOTI:  The Macrocosmic Perspective In the second case, taking the cosmic approach, the two methods open to man are termed Sambhooti and Asambhooti. These represent the two major dividing lines in creation, namely the manifested world (Sambhooti) made of the five elements, and the unmanifested or causal world (Asambhooti) prior to the birth of the elements. The former is the Effect we see as this universe and the latter is the unmanifested Cause of it. At the co

Isavasya Upanishad for Beginners : 9. Swami Gurubhaktananda (Chinmaya Mission).

Friday, June 12, 2020. ISAVASYA UPANISHAD -  “The All-Pervading Reality” Wave-3 : The Integration of  KNOWLEDGE : Mantram -9 to 14. ( 6 in NOs ). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN THIS SECTION of 6 Mantra-s, we have two sets of 3 Mantra-s, each set following the same pattern. These are mystical verses and require the help and guidance of a Teacher to explain them. They have many interpretations, according to the orientation of the various schools of thought. They address the eternal problem facing man: Does the solution to the problems in life lie in Action & Devotion or in pure Knowledge? Is the solution secular or spiritual? How are we to view the manifested and the Unmanifested levels of creation? This problem is tackled in both sets of Mantra-s. The first set tackles it from the individual’s standpoint, i.e. from the Microcosmic level, known as Vyashti. The second set tackles the same problem from the cos

Isavasya Upanishad for Beginners : 8. Swami Gurubhaktananda (Chinmaya Mission).

====================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, June 02, 2020. ISAVASYA UPANISHAD -  “The All-Pervading Reality” Wave 2: Mantra-s 4-8 (5 No.), MEDITATIONS on the Self Mantram 8: How the Lord Governs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantram 8: How the Lord Governs. Sah paryagaat shukram akaayam avranam  asnaaviragm shuddham apaapa-viddham;   kavih maneeshee paribhooh, swayambhooh yaathaa-tathyatah arthaan vyadadhaat shaashwateebhyah samaabhyah. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mantram Translation : 1Sah paryagaat shukram akaayam avranam  =  He (the Atman) is all-pervading, bright, bodiless and immaculate (scatheless); 2 asnaaviragm shuddham apaapa-viddham; =  He is without muscles, pure, and non pierced by evils; 3 kavih maneeshee paribh