
Showing posts from April, 2020

Isavasya Upanishad for Beginners : 5. Chinmaya Mission

=============================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26/04/2020. ISHAVASYA UPANISHAD Wave 2: Mantra-s 4-8 (5 No.), MEDITATIONS on the Self Mantram -5: Finding the Correct Means ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantram : "Tat ejati tat na ejati,  tat doore tat u antike; tat antah asya sarvasya,  tat u sarvasya asya baahyatah." -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : 1 Tat ejati tat na ejati,                  =  That (the Atman) moves and yet It moves not; 2 tat doore tat u antike;               =   It is far away and yet It is near; 3 tat antah asya sarvasya,            =   It is within all of this; 4 tat u sarvasya asya baahyatah.  =   and yet It is also outside of all this. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discourse : This second ve

Isavasya Upanishad for Beginners : 4. Chinmaya Mission

===================================== ------------------------------------------------------------- 13/04/2020. ISHAVASYA UPANISHAD Wave 2: Mantra-s 4-8 (5 No.), MEDITATIONS on the Self Mantram - 4: The Elusive Self or Atman --------------------------------------------------------------- Mantram-4. Aneja - dekam manaso javiyo nainad - deva apnuvan - purva - marsat, tad-dhavato nyana - tyeti tisthat tasmin - napo matarisva dadhati. ---------------------------------------------------------- Translation - 1 Anejat ekam manasah javiyah, = The Self is the motionless one, yet it is wifter than the mind. 2 na enat devaah apnuvan poorvam-arshat; = The Devas (senses) cannot overtake It,for It runs before them. 3 tad dhaavatah anyaanatyeti tishthat, Than others who run after It, It overtakes them while sitting! 4 tasmin apah matariswa dadhati. = In It, as water by the air, all actions of all living beings are supported. ------------------------------------------------